
There is no way to ‘cancel’ a domain registration, all you can do is let it expire. If you no longer wish to keep your domain, you will need to cancel the auto renewal for the domain. This can be done from your client area. If you don’t know how to access your client area, you can find out here.

We will still send you notices that the domain expiry date in coming up, in case you change your mind. Please be aware that if your registration expires, there is no guarantee that you will be able to register it again later.

Cancel the auto renew

  1. Once logged in, click on your Domains section
  2. Find the domain you wish to cancel and click on the wrench
  3. Once you are in the Managing Domain screen, you should see the Manage menu to the left
  4. You can now click on Auto Renew and disable the Auto Renewal
  5. You will still receive emails reminding you of the upcoming domain expiry, but you will not be invoiced for the renewal.
  6. If you change your mind, you can always renew the domain manually by clicking on Renew Domain in the Actions menu

Domain life cycle

Once a domain expires, it goes through several phases.

  • Renewal (30-45 days) – during this phase, the domain is not usable but can be renewed at the normal renewal price
  • Redemption (varies) – during this phase, the domain is not usable and can still be renewed, but there is an additional fee. This fee varies by registrar and TLD.
  • Pending Delete (varies) – during this phase, the domain is not usable and cannot be renewed
  • Released – once the domain is released, it can be registered by anyone. If someone else registers the domain, you will not be able to recover it.


After the expiry date on your domain registration, your domain will enter Renew status. During this time, your domain will not be active. You can renew the domain at any time by renewing it from your client area or by paying an outstanding invoice. There are no additional costs for renewing during period.


Redemption is the status applied to a domain registration which has been expired for 30-45 days (varies by TLD and registrar). During this time the registrar manages the domain name at their own cost so an additional fee is added to the cost of renewal should the owner decide to restore it.  Domain redemption fees vary depending on the registrar and payments must be processed manually. So if you wish for us to contact the registrar to retrieve the domain from the redemption status, please reach out to our customer support team by either placing in a ticket or reaching out to use over the phone.

Pending Delete

Once your domain reaches this status, it is essentially cancelled. The domain is not usable and you will not be able to renew it at any cost. At this point, all you can do is wait for the domain to be released and hope no one else registers it before you.


Once the domain is released, it can be registered by anyone. This is essentially like a domain that has never been registered. As long as the domain is not registered, you can register it just as you would a new domain.


If you have any further questions, please be sure to reach out to our support staff by putting in a ticket.