SSH, which is available on IP based accounts, connects you directly to the powerful Linux command line in your account. Here are some helpful commands for beginners (be sure not to include the brackets):


pwd - Shows the full path of the current directory
ls - Lists all the files in the current directory
cd [directory name] - Changes to a new directory
cd ..- Changes to directory above current one

Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files:
mv -i [old filename] [new filename] - Move/rename a file
cp -i [filename] [new filename] - Copies a file
rm -i [filename] - Deletes a file

Important Note: We strongly recommend including the -i option. You will be prompted to confirm any action that overwrites or removes data.

Creating, Moving, Copying and Deleting Directories:

mkdir [directory name] - Creates a new directory
cp -ir [directory] [new directory] - Copies a directory and all files/directories in it
rm -ir [directory name] - Removes a directory and all files in it

Editing Files:

vi [filename] - Opens the file in a simple text editor (for configuration files or quick website edits)