This is a quick guide for getting started with your server by connecting via the command line using SSH (Secure Shell)

To SSH using a terminal window (Linux/Mac):

You will open up a terminal window by clicking on the 'Terminal" application in your personal sytem.  Once the terminal window is open, you will want to input the following commands :


User's Computer $ ssh root@xx.xx.xx.xx
root@xx.xx.xx.xx's password:
Last login: Fri Sep 25 11:57:11 2015 from
root@vps [~]#


For windows users, connecting via SSH is almost just as easy. However, you will need to download an SSH client to get connected to the server.  PuTTY comes highly recommended as it is light weight, widely supported, and easy to use. You can download PuTTY by going to

From the PuTTY application window, you will want to enter your server's host name or IP address in the designated field, select 'SSH', and click open.  Once connected to the server a command prompt/terminal window will open and ask which user you want to connect as.  In most cases, you will select 'root'. Once you select the user, the server will ask for the password.  Enter the password for your user, and you will have sucessfully connected using SSH via PuTTY.