
This interface allows you to add and manage your domain's email accounts. If you are not sure how to log into your cPanel, you can find out here.

Accessing the Email Accounts app in cPanel

To manage your domain based email accounts, you will need to use the Email Accounts app that can be found in the Email category of your cPanel

Add an email address

To add a new email address, perform the following steps:

  • In the Email Accounts app, you need to click on the Create button located on the right hand side of your screen.
  • Once the Create an Email Account page has loaded, you will see several fields.
    • Domain – this is the domain that you want the account to use (this is the part after the ‘@’ symbol in the email address)
    • Username – this is the part before the ‘@’ symbol (you don’t need to type in the ‘@example.com’ part of the email)
    • Password – here is where you enter your preferred password for this account.
      • Set password now – this will allow you to set the password for the account
      • Send login link to alternate email address – this will instead send an email to the email address provided and let the end user choose the password
    • Regarding email passwords, please note:
      • The system grades the password that you enter on a scale of 100 points. 0indicates a weak password, while 100 indicates a very secure password
      • Some web hosts require a minimum password strength. The green password Strength meter indicates that the password is equal to or greater than the required password strength
      • Click Generate to generate a strong password. For more information, read our Password Generator documentation
    • You will also see an Edit Settings button next to Optional Settings, this will give you access to several additional options:
      • Storage Space – set the quota for this email address or set to unlimited.
        • Note that even when set to unlimited, you are still limited by the disk space of your cPanel account
      • Automatically Create Folders for Plus Addressing – this is an advanced feature for email accounts. You can find more information regarding Plus Addressing by clicking on the circled question mark
      • Send a welcome email with instructions to set up a mail client – this will send an email to the account with the settings required to add the email address to a mail client (macMail, Outlook, Thunderbird)
      • Stay on this page after I click Create – you would check this box if you were creating several accounts, otherwise, leave it unchecked and you will return to the email list.
    • Click the Create button to finish creating the account

Manage email addresses

From the Email Accounts screen, you can see all the email accounts that are set up on your account. This list includes any email accounts from add-on domains or subdomains. This list contains:

  • Account – the mailbox name
  • Restrictions – any restrictions on this mailbox (see Restrictions section below)
  • Storage – Used/Allocated/%
  • Check Email – this will log you into the account Webmail
  • Manage – reset account password and configure the account disk space and restrictions
    • Security – enter a new password
    • Storage – set the allocated storage space
    • Restrictions – set account restrictions
      • Allow/Suspend Incoming Mail
      • Allow/Suspend/Hold Sending Outgoing Email
      • Allow/Suspend Logging In
    • Plus Addressing – set whether plus addressing auto creates folders
    • Delete Email Account – remove account and all mail contained within
  • Connect Devices – this page contains auto setup scripts as well and the mail client settings used for manual setup

Change Password


Use a secure password. A secure password is not a dictionary word, and it contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

To change the password, perform the following steps:

  • Click Manage next to the appropriate email account.
  • Enter the new password in the New Password text box
    • Note that the system grades the password that you enter on a scale of 100 points. 0indicates a weak password, while 100 indicates a very secure password.
    • Some web hosts require a minimum password strength. A green password Strength meter indicates that the password is equal to or greater than the required password strength.
    • Click Generate to generate a strong password. For more information, read our Password Generator documentation.
  • Click Update Email Settings to store the new password.
    • If you do not wish to change the password, click Go back.

Change Quota

The quota for an address defines the amount of mail, that the account can store. When your mailbox exceeds this limit, the system returns any incoming mail to the sender with a message which states the recipient’s mailbox is full. It is important to keep track of quota usage, because you cannot receive email with a full quota. Please note:

  • The quota calculation does not include your mailbox's trash folder.
  • You cannot exceed the quota that your hosting provider sets.

To change a mail quota, perform the following steps:

  • Click Manage.
  • In the Storage section, enter the new email quota in the appropriate text box. You can enter the amount as well as the unit (MB,GB) For an unlimited account, click unlimited.
  • Click Update Email Settings to update the quota.
    • If you do not wish to change the quota, click Go back.


There are two ways to delete an email account:

  • From the Email Accounts page, you can click on the arrow to the left of the email address. This will show more information including the restrictions as well as a Delete Button. Click this button and then click the confirmation Delete button
  • From the Manage page, all the way to the bottom of the page, you will see a Delete Email Account button. Click this button and then click the confirmation Delete button