You might want to update your email password for a number of different reasons:

  • as part of your standard security practice to rotate passwords
  • to reset a forgotten password
  • to increase security after a suspected compromise

This article will show you how to update the password for your cPanel email account.

 Login to your cPanel.

  1. In the Mail section, click on Email Accounts.cpanel_mail_account
  2. Scroll down to your list of email accounts.
  3. Locate your email address in the list. Click Change Password next to it.cpanel_mail_changepass
  4. Enter your new password twice.Or, you can use the Password Generator to help you come up with a
    strong password - just make sure you keep track of it.

  5. cpanel_mail_changepass_details
  6. Click Change Password. After a moment, you'll receive a confirmation message.

Your email password is now updated.